Tune in to the euphoric creative aura of the Wild Pearl
A contemporary home with an old soul, the Wild Pearl manifests a family oasis in the urban landscape. Designed by and for creative partner Alexis Tompkins and her husband Ian, it’s quintessentially Chroma—and, while still a work in progress, has been a wildly fulfilling journey to physically and aesthetically embody who they are as individuals, artists, and together.

San FranciscoCA
2300 ft2 / 213 m2
In this conscious curation of a home for their young family, each space is tuned to a resonant frequency, energizing the most expressive version of themselves. Every thoughtful detail, every material selection, every custom object and furnishing is a timeless provocation of creativity and articulation of a prolific, ongoing collaboration.

Rich in history, the front house—a historic relief cottage built in 1906 after the San Francisco earthquake and one of few remaining today—embraces an intimate garden courtyard wreathing a thriving magnolia tree, adjoining the newly built back house. Alexis and Ian worked closely with architect John Toya and landscape architect Erica Timbrell to achieve an invigorating synergy inside and out. Flowing from kitchen to dining room to garden to family room, the whole depth of the home invites making and gathering, learning and sharing—with spaces for entertaining, hosting, and tending to their community and fellow creatives. In the back house, Ian’s music studio adapts for overnight guests, while the bedrooms above and an intimate roof deck offer more familiar, relaxing spaces for time as a family, at play, and at rest.

Vibrant colors, patterns, and textures enliven each room, cleverly eclectic with vintage, contemporary, and signature Chroma creations. With dramatic textiles and leathers, glossy ceramics and honed stone, saturated resins, and natural and slick lacquered woods, each intricate layer exudes the Chroma mien: evocative, joyful, and uncommon, with radical comfort and ease.